Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thursday April 26th

We had so much fun today. Thanks everyone! Some great NYC dialects and scene work.

Keep working on this dialect and we'll see the final performances on Tuesday. Thursday we jump into Southern.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday April 19th

We warmed up our NYC dialects with some games then did the IPA changes on the 2 man scene. I also handed out an extra credit written assignment due May 3rd.

We will begin performing these NYC scenes next week. Remember you must type up your lines from the scene and mark the IPA changes above the words.

For Tuesday: 

1. Practice your NYC dialect

2. Finish IPA on your scene if we didn't get to it

Enjoy this amazing weather!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday April 17th

Today we began the NYC dialect. We reviewed the packet and then began to speak in this dialect. We did the IPA changes on one of the scenes. You need to choose one of the three scene and rehearse with a new partner for your performance. Make sure you sign up for a performance date on Thursday if you don't have one yet.

For Thursday:

1. Do the IPA changes on the other two scenes

2. Practice this dialect

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thursday April 12th

We had our final RP day. Five groups performed their scenes. Nice work all.

At the end of class I handed out the NYC packet. Please read this over before class on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday April 10th

Today in class we warmed up our RP then six group performed their scenes-sounding good everyone! Thursday will be our final RP day, next stop NYC.

Make sure to turn in your IPA sound changes over your scenes-due the day you perform.
Happy Birthday Shelli!

Stay dry and see ya Thursday.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 5th

We continued to practice our RP accents, speaking common phrases in a circle. Try and find at least one phrase that can bring you back to the accent if you get off. Then we had three groups perform their RP scenes. Nice work guys!

For Tuesday: 

1. Do IPA on your scenes-make sure to type up your scene. (You only have to do IPA above your lines)

2. Keep practicing your RP

3. Make up diphthong quiz after class on Tuesday

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday April 3rd

Welcome back everyone! Hope you had a nice break.

Today we jumped back into IPA-land and took the diphthong quiz. After that we reviewed the British (RP) dialect and then did the IPA vowel changes on the RP scenes. Finish these scenes with your partner, check them with me and then type up your lines, put the IPA vowel changes above each word. You will need to turn in the "score" of your scene on the day you perform it.

Here are the performance dates:

Thursday 4/5-James/Semhar,   Sondra/Megan,   Noah/Hanna

Tuesday 4/10-Clarissa/Ramona,  Tiffany/ Zach,  Jason/Stephanie,  Troy/Jason R,  Vasili/Alex,  Josh/Roger

Thursday 4/12- Josh/Steve,  Kyle/Doug,  Sam/Mia,  Mitchell/Andrew,  Mo/Semhar

For Thursday: 

1. Practice your scene in RP
2. Do the IPA extra credit and bring flash drive if you haven't!
3. If you have to do a make up quiz (vowel or diphthong) make sure you can stay after class on Thursday. I will stay from 2-2:30.